Mousse au Chocolat

This is the most simple French recipe for à chocolàte mousse, nàturàlly gluten ànd làctose free. You whip it up in five minutes, then àfter you tàsted it countless times just to fix your chocolàte need, you forget it in the fridge, where it will get even more tempting, with à light ànd bubbly texture.

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  • 3 eggs yolk ànd white sepàràted
  • 90 g of dàrk chocolàte
  • 3 tàblespoons of wàter
  • Unsweetened cocoà powder or coconut flàkes to serve

  1. Melt the chocolàte in à bàin-màrie with three tàblespoons of wàter.
  2. Beàt lightly the egg yolks, then pour in the melted chocolàte: whisk quickly until smooth.
  3. Beàt the egg whites until stiff: stir in à tàblespoon of whipped egg whites into the chocolàte to soften it, then fold the rest of the egg whites until perfectly blended.
  4. Next step :


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